Fan Content by Windskull

On this page is a selection of fanfics I've written over the years. At this time, I'm only featuring a handful of works that either I consider my best, or have something special about it. For a more complete listing of fanfics, please visit my Ao3 page.

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Places We Call Home

cover for PWCH. A sneasel and a bidoof stand at the front, a yveltal feather at their feet. A running absol with a kirlia on her back and a running bidoof are behind them. The silloette of a mawile looms over them all.

Ongoing || ~150k words

Haru is more than happy to live the slow life of a hard-working bidoof, where her biggest frustration is dealing with the kirlia crushing on her younger brother. But when an injured stranger throws Theran Village into disarray, she finds her life flipped upside down in the chain of events that follows, dealing with pokemon with morals far different than her own, and with strange pokemon from beyond the sea that will stop at nothing to capture the gods.

My long-running Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanfic, and the brainchild of 9 years of on and off planning. This fic went through several idea iterations - first as a collection of short comic anthoogies in a connected universe, then as a visual novel, before settling on the fanfic medium. It is a darker-than-canon story, and delves into tricky subjects such as how society functions when everyone is sapient but you have obligate carnivores, so tread carefully. Set in an original universe.

Read it: Ao3 || FFN || TR || PMDFF

Stories They Couldn't Tell

cover for Stories They Couldn't Tell. Several multicolored bubbles float in a void, depicting various pokemon in silloette.

Ongoing || ~10k words

A collection of bonus episodes related to my main Fic: Places We Call Home. Content varies from chapter to chapter

At this time, three short stories are included in this collection. Some of them are just for fun and are just set in the same universe. Others add additional context that could otherwise be missed. On the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon FanFiction website a fourth short story, Lost to Retellings, is included. This short story was part of a oneshot contest and was posted separately on other sites. Including it adds about another 6k to the wordcount.

Read it: Ao3 || FFN || TR || PMDFF

A Porygon's Guid to Dungeon Items

Cover for A Porygon's Guide to Dungeon Items. 9 iems are arranged in a grid shape over a orange backgroud with a yellow pattern.

Ongoing || ~12k words

An in-universe guide to items from the mystery dungeon games (plus a few extra items). All ideas presented here are free to use in your own work.

This is my "I don't feel like working on anything else" project. It's nothing but worldbuilding and headcanons. For the berries, I've been doing some surface level research into the berries they're based upon. But other items may have nothing but the limited game descriptions and images. This was somewhat inspired by The Alola Pokedex by VultureQueen.

Read it: Ao3 || TR || PMDFF

The Legend of Zelda

The Heart of a Hero

cover for HoaH. A bust shot of skull kid Link enveloped in shadows, lit only by the light of his eyes and the triforce in his hands..

Complete || ~250k words

As darkness and evil seep their way into Hyrule, the people find themselves in desperate need of a hero. They never expected their savior would be something inhuman. As a young forest dweller steps into the open world, he finds himself struggling with an important question: what makes a monster, and what makes a hero?

My first ever long-fic, The Heart of a Hero is an AU of Ocarina of Time in which Link was a bit older when he fled to the forest. He got lost, died, and became a skull kid. This fic explores how that colors other people's perceptions of him. A bridging story between this and Majoras Mask, a Majoras Mask adaptation, and a partial Twilight Princess adaptation are planned. Currently going through the proccess of one final edit pass over the entire story before starting the next in the series.

Read it: Ao3 || FFN || TR

Forest Children

Complete || 2,278 words

AAs night falls during a trip through the Lost Woods, and Navi and Link find themselves caught in the rain. Seeking shelter leads to the two running across one of the forest dwellers, and learning just a little more about the life of those that aren't lucky enough to live in the Kokiri Forest.

This was the first fic I wrote when I got back into fic writing. At the time, I had been playing a lot of Hyrule Warriors: Definitve Edition and Majoras mask, and had gotten very attached to Skull Kid as a character. At some point, I may make a shrine page for him, but suffice to say that if not for that period of obsession, I might not have ever gotten back into fic writing.

While this fic is simple, I hope it's still an enjoyable read.

Read it: Ao3 || FFN



cover for Bravoman. Bravoman stands surrounded by Binjas. In the corner, Alpha Man holds a box of popcorn.

Ongoing || ~8k words

Hitoshi Nakamura's life is about to get flipped on its head. While walking home from an average work day, he encounters an alien that gives him superpowers and grants him the title "Bravoman." And not a moment too soon; with villains beginning to rise in his sleepy hometown, he'll have to learn how to handle his powers fast, or be overwhelmed by darkness.

Origin is part writing size, part self-indulgent fic. It's my attempt at taking what is essentially a daily gag webcomic and turning it into a slightly more serious, continuous story.

Read it: Ao3 || FFN || TR

Is it Gay to Kiss a Homie on the Lips?

Complete || 1,166 words

Anti-Bravoman doesn't know how to broach the subject of his feelings.

More self-indulgent fic. Anti-Bravoman/Camo has been a ship on my mind for almost 10 years I had to write something for it dagnabbit.

Read it: Ao3